If you’re operating a business, you need to make sure you’re prepared for emergencies. This means having an insurance policy that can cover the costs of a variety of unexpected expenses. While many people assume that business insurance is a must for property damage and natural disasters, it’s actually very essential for everyday accidents as well.
As a workers compensation attorney like our friends at Rispoli & Borneo P.C. can explain, it’s important to pay for business insurance in case any of your employees are injured. When it comes to injuries on the job, the last thing you want is to pay out of pocket in the event of a lawsuit or workers’ comp claim.
Read on to learn more about how employers are covered in case of injury, and see what you can do to prepare for emergencies at your business.
What Happens if an Employee is Injured on the Job?
If your employee was injured on the job, it’s in his or her best interest to report their injuries as soon as possible so you can take action. Assuming you were maintaining a safe working environment (which you should in any case) you’ll have to provide workers’ compensation to keep your employee afloat while he or she recovers.
Workers’ compensation shouldn’t come out of your own pocket. Instead, it should be provided by a business insurance policy. Business insurance policies can cover the cost of your employee’s recovery, and in some states it’s actually a requirement.
Does an Employee Have to Accept Workers’ Compensation?
In some cases, an employee may not want to accept workers’ compensation. However, this doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. On the contrary, it could be because the injured employee is planning on filing a gross negligence lawsuit. If an employee accepts an offer of workers’ compensation, they waive their right to take legal action against their employer for their injuries. If you think your injured employee is planning to sue you, you need to prepare accordingly.
How Does Business Insurance Help Me?
If an employee was injured on the job, the workers’ compensation has to come from somewhere – and if he or she decides to take legal action for any perceived negligence on your part, you’re in danger of having to pay out of pocket for your defense and any compensation. Fortunately, with business insurance you can have an added layer of protection for lawsuits, workers’ comp claims, and anything else that can sap your finances.
How Can a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Help Me?
You’re running a business, and you can’t afford to be stuck with lawsuits and expensive injuries. It’s important to get in touch with a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer so you know what to expect in the event of a workplace injury. The right workers’ compensation lawyer can provide valuable information about workers’ comp claims, and with their assistance you can ensure any injuries at your business are resolved smoothly.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to a workers’ compensation lawyer to learn more.