Why Should I Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

Divorce Lawyer As a divorce lawyer from a firm like the Law Office of Daniel J. Wright can explain, divorce is one of the most stressful and emotionally draining experiences you can go through. It also changes your life forever. Your wisest course of action, therefore, is to hire an experienced local divorce lawyer to Read more about Why Should I Hire a Divorce Lawyer?[…]

The 17 People Who Would Be Happy If You Got a Divorce

Divorce is one of the most dramatic life events any human can experience. It is also a necessary one if you realize a better life exists without your spouse despite the hardships. The benefit and pain of a divorce are not enjoyed or felt by you alone but impact many other people that you may Read more about The 17 People Who Would Be Happy If You Got a Divorce[…]

What is a postnuptial agreement and why are they on the rise?

Family Lawyer A postnuptial agreement is a type of marital agreement. It serves the same purpose as a prenuptial agreement, but it is signed after a couple is married. There are many different reasons a couple may seek out a postnuptial agreement. In the past, there has been a stigma attached to obtaining a postnuptial Read more about What is a postnuptial agreement and why are they on the rise?[…]

Divorce Lawyer

Understanding Legal Separation and Its Benefits A legal separation can be a permanent resolution or the precursor to the total dissolution of a marriage. The process is a court-ordered arrangement permitting a married couple to lead separate lives, including separate finances. The process of legally separating is preferred by couples who are unsure of the Read more about Divorce Lawyer[…]

Is Marriage Counseling Required Before You Can Get a Divorce?

The process of getting a divorce can seem complicated and most divorcing couples have a lot of questions. A divorce lawyer can help answer questions and clear up any misconceptions about the process of getting a divorce. One myth about family court is that you are required to go through marriage counseling before you can Read more about Is Marriage Counseling Required Before You Can Get a Divorce?[…]

Military Divorce & Custody

Divorce and custody disputes can be complex and costly if not handled right – even more so for military divorce and military custody disputes. Military life, deployments, relocation and even military pay structure all contribute to the extra complexity and potential for costly mistakes in military divorce and custody disputes. Military Life. Whether living on Read more about Military Divorce & Custody[…]