Co-Parenting and Fostering Strong Relationships

Why is it important for a co-parent to foster or encourage a strong parent-child relationship between the other parent and their minor child? When people split up or divorce, family law courts across the country must decide which parent will have primary custody of the parties’ minor child. This task is not easy. As a Read more about Co-Parenting and Fostering Strong Relationships[…]

The Three Biggest Questions to Ask When Hiring A Divorce Lawyer

Hiring a divorce lawyer can be the most important, and stressful, decision of your entire separation process. When going to a consultation to meet with an attorney, you shouldn’t let them ask all the questions. You need to get enough information from them to ensure that you know if they will be a good divorce Read more about The Three Biggest Questions to Ask When Hiring A Divorce Lawyer[…]

What You Might Expect From Your Spouse’s Divorce Lawyer

If you’re going through a divorce and your spouse has already hired a divorce lawyer, you might, at times, feel frustrated with some of the things that are going on. This is especially true when the other lawyer is overzealous. There Are Limitations to Zealous Advocacy In general, it is an attorney’s job to be Read more about What You Might Expect From Your Spouse’s Divorce Lawyer[…]

Three steps to help you get organized before divorce

Divorce can be a hectic and stressful time, even in the best circumstances. During divorce, you may not just be ending your marriage, you may also be changing your routines, your living situation and your financial situation. Additionally, the legal process for divorce can be time consuming, depending on your situation. Although the time surrounding Read more about Three steps to help you get organized before divorce[…]

Who keeps the dog when you divorce?

A divorce is a painful and complicated process, bringing both financial and emotional stress. Couples face a number of contentious issues such as child custody and property division when they’re separating. And not surprisingly, one of the more common heated issues in divorce is who gets to keep the dog or cat. Families have long Read more about Who keeps the dog when you divorce?[…]

Making your divorce announcement during the holidays

The holiday seasons are approaching, and you and your spouse are talking about divorce. Do you put on a happy face for family gatherings or announce the news in person while everyone is in one spot? Here are a few considerations to keep in mind if you’re thinking of making your divorce announcement over the holidays. Read more about Making your divorce announcement during the holidays[…]

Retirement and pensions subject to split in Illinois divorces

You and your spouse decide to divorce, but you worry about how a judge will split your assets. Even before you married your spouse, you began a career that established a successful future pension plan. Now that you and your spouse wish to separate, you are concerned about the division of the pension agreement. Illinois Read more about Retirement and pensions subject to split in Illinois divorces[…]

It’s illegal to leave Illinois with your child after a divorce

Your divorce has finally been finalized. A difficult, emotional chapter of your life has just ended, and a new future is waiting for you and your child. Be careful when making plans, though. Unless you’ve been awarded sole legal and physical custody, there is a good chance that moving out of Illinois with your child Read more about It’s illegal to leave Illinois with your child after a divorce[…]

The rise of prenups amongst millennials

Millennials are breaking the mold in several ways from former generations, so it’s not a surprise that more millennials are marrying a partner later in life. However, with later marriages comes the rise of prenuptial agreements, a legal document that outlines how a couple will divide their assets in a divorce. A recent survey noted Read more about The rise of prenups amongst millennials[…]