October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

In many of the divorce cases a divorce lawyer handles, domestic violence and abuse have played a significant role in the breakdown of the marriage. Next month, the entire month of October is dedicated to Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Under the law in most states, there are a number of types of behaviors that are Read more about October Is Domestic Violence Awareness Month[…]

What Workers’ Compensation Means For Employers

Mediation If you’re operating a business, you need to make sure you’re prepared for emergencies. This means having an insurance policy that can cover the costs of a variety of unexpected expenses. While many people assume that business insurance is a must for property damage and natural disasters, it’s actually very essential for everyday accidents Read more about What Workers’ Compensation Means For Employers[…]

Charitable Giving And Your Estate Plan

  Many people engage in charitable giving throughout their lives and wish to continue that tradition following their deaths. Not only is charitable giving emotionally satisfying, but it also can help save on income and estate taxes. By setting a strong example for your surviving family members, you can help encourage them to carry on Read more about Charitable Giving And Your Estate Plan[…]

When To Mediate

Going to mediation in divorce and parentage cases is a vital step in seeking early resolution for child custody disputes. In many cases, mediation is mandatory. When planning for mediation, it is super important to think carefully about timing your mediation. Is it better to mediate sooner or later? Before anything gets filed or after Read more about When To Mediate[…]

Evidence Needed For Personal Injury Accidents

When an injury victim is motivated to take their case to trial in hopes of receiving restitution, it is important to know what kinds of evidence are going to be most influential. After all, the outcome of any legal case is going to be dependent on how much reliable proof is presented. By working with Read more about Evidence Needed For Personal Injury Accidents[…]

Ex-Husband Murders Divorced Chicago Woman 

Ex-Husband Murders Divorced Chicago Woman  Divorce can be a complex and immensely difficult experience to talk about and go through. The recent incident involving a Chicago woman who was the victim of a murder-suicide case highlights the stigmas and dangers that people face. Sania Khan, a 29-year-old female photographer, rose to prominence on the social Read more about Ex-Husband Murders Divorced Chicago Woman […]

Helpful Co-Parenting Tips for the Summer - parent holds the hand of a small child

Helpful Co-Parenting Tips for the Summer

Family Lawyer With summer just around the corner, so many families are getting ready for their vacations and spending more quality time with their kids. This includes newly divorced parents who share custody of their children. If you share custody with your ex, here are some good co-parenting tips to follow in the summer. Discuss Read more about Helpful Co-Parenting Tips for the Summer[…]

What To Do If You’re Pulled Over For A DUI

DUI Lawyer Being pulled over while driving is stressful; you’re worried about either getting a ticket or having your vehicle impounded. If the officer suspects you were driving under the influence and asks you to take a blood alcohol test, this can be terrifying. The first thing you should do is remain calm and politely Read more about What To Do If You’re Pulled Over For A DUI[…]

Signs You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney - gavel of a judge in court

Signs You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal Defense Attorney While no one likes to think that they’ll receive a criminal charge, sometimes it happens. Knowing what to do following a criminal charge can be complicated and you’re likely to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Sometimes a criminal charge might even be unexpected. Unfortunately, sometimes people are accused of a crime they didn’t Read more about Signs You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney[…]

What to expect at your first consultation with a divorce lawyer - marriage contract, wedding bands, gavel, on table wood

What to expect at your first consultation with a divorce lawyer

Divorce Lawyer No one expects or looks forward to meeting with a family law attorney to discuss a divorce, but if you have reached the decision that it is time to make this transition in your life, it is good to be prepared for that initial consultation. With the emotions and stress associated with divorce, Read more about What to expect at your first consultation with a divorce lawyer[…]