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The basics of coparenting after a marriage ends

For parents in Illinois, the end of a marriage doesn’t mean the end of parenting responsibilities. Courts tend to favor coparenting arrangements that keep both parents involved with a child’s life. With such arrangements, however, parents no longer sharing a house are normally encouraged to remember that the child’s best interests come first. Even when Read more about The basics of coparenting after a marriage ends[…]

Three steps to help you get organized before divorce

Divorce can be a hectic and stressful time, even in the best circumstances. During divorce, you may not just be ending your marriage, you may also be changing your routines, your living situation and your financial situation. Additionally, the legal process for divorce can be time consuming, depending on your situation. Although the time surrounding Read more about Three steps to help you get organized before divorce[…]

Cryptocurrency and divorce

Illinois residents who have cryptocurrency assets and are planning to end their marriages should be prepared for the likelihood that the divorce process will be much longer and more difficult than usual. There are issues regarding cryptocurrency that can make it difficult to locate and value them. Cryptocurrency is a type of virtual currency that Read more about Cryptocurrency and divorce[…]

Divorcing later in life can have a financial impact

The divorce rate for spouses between the ages of 25 and 39 has dropped by 21 percent over the past 25 years. However, for those 50 and older, their divorce rate has increased by 109 percent. This surge may have been caused by various factors, including greater financial freedom for women or couples generally growing Read more about Divorcing later in life can have a financial impact[…]

Reasons for divorce follow common themes

Divorce rates across Illinois and the United States follow certain predictable patterns that are often associated with changes in the economy and changes in social norms and traditions. Although these fluctuations can typically be seen clearly when charted on a graph and measured against major events, there are a number of reasons for the dissolution Read more about Reasons for divorce follow common themes[…]

Tips for creating a prenup for a second marriage

There are several reasons that older Illinois couples entering a second marriage might want a prenuptial agreement. They may be bringing more assets into the marriage than a younger couple, and they also may want to make sure their children from the previous marriage still get some assets. A prenup can help a couple plan Read more about Tips for creating a prenup for a second marriage[…]

Who keeps the dog when you divorce?

A divorce is a painful and complicated process, bringing both financial and emotional stress. Couples face a number of contentious issues such as child custody and property division when they’re separating. And not surprisingly, one of the more common heated issues in divorce is who gets to keep the dog or cat. Families have long Read more about Who keeps the dog when you divorce?[…]

Marriages more likely to end when wife is ill, studies say

When women in Illinois develop cancer or other illnesses, the likelihood that they will get a divorce increases. According to a study that appeared in 2015 in “The Journal of Health and Social Behavior,” there is no similar increase in divorce risk when men become ill. Other studies support this. One study, conducted by researchers Read more about Marriages more likely to end when wife is ill, studies say[…]

Parents should put best interests of children first

Divorce is among the most stressful experiences a person can go through in life, and parents who are divorcing may have to deal with issues of custody and support. Child custody cases can be severely contentious in Illinois, as they involve decisions that will impact the parents and the children for years. When possible, parents Read more about Parents should put best interests of children first[…]

2019 brings new tax rules impacting divorce

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that went into effect in December of 2017 was designed to lower the tax burden of American families. However, the legislation will also have a big impact on couples seeking to finalize their Illinois divorces in 2019. Depending on individual circumstances, some exes will fare better than others under Read more about 2019 brings new tax rules impacting divorce[…]